Safely & securely digitising medical records for fast, easy access

Record Partners works with Australian public & private health organisations to reduce risk, improve staff and patient experiences, and limit ongoing storage costs by digitising paper medical records.

Medical records are the lifeblood of healthcare — but they’re not much use if you can’t access them easily and safely.

That’s where Record Partners can help you.

A common problem

In many Australian hospitals, patient admissions (and re-admissions) trigger a search in the electronic medical records (EMR) system for prior presentations.

But with many hospitals still dependent on huge paper archives — either onsite at the hospital or offsite at a storage facility — the medical records system often won’t have any or all records available online, meaning staff don’t have the full context to make an informed assessment.

Hospitals rely on ‘on demand’ back scanning operations to service ad hoc requests on a best efforts basis. Some hospitals may field hundreds of requests every month, and best efforts can stretch from hours to days.

To further complicate things, due to recent weather events and the porous nature of the concrete foundations of often multi-purpose onsite storage facilities, many record storage boxes and storage racks have visible and/or invisible mould spores which can present a health and safety risk for staff.

Without a dedicated workforce and built-for-purpose facilities, it’s near impossible to make a noticeable dent in digitising the backlog of paper medical records so that physical storage can be scaled back and medical staff can rely on the digital systems.

An uncommon solution

Record Partners has established a dedicated patient record scanning operation that addresses all of the inconveniences of paper record management and allows hospitals to unlock the benefits of a hybrid patient record system.

Leveraging the same record warehousing and scanning technology used by the NHS, Record Partners provides health care facilities with a secure future-proof solution to digital patient record management that doesn’t force healthcare professionals to give up paper.

Record Partners’ secure services are conducted in a flood and fire resistant facility in Brisbane that is environmentally controlled to limit mould.

Our staff are trained in safely managing and processing sensitive records, and no personal smartphones or devices are allowed in the production area.

Staff entries and exits are controlled via access passes and security systems (physical and digital) are monitored 24/7.

All record boxes are tracked in transit, and checked out of the original storage location and into our processing facility.

Our Services

  • We index, pack and transport your records to our dedicated facilities in Brisbane, where they are checked-in and assigned storage.

    Per the agreed schedule, our team of trained technicians works around the clock to clear your backlog, back scanning your records directly into your patient management system via a secure VPN connection.

    On-demand records can be requested by your hospital staff via a secure online request form and the records will be processed in line with agreed SLAs, giving your frontline team certainty around service delivery.

    Records are retained on-site for 90 days and then destroyed.

  • We pack, transport, store, scan and destroy your facility’s recently created files in line with an agreed schedule and adhere to documented and contracted Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

  • Record Partners specialises in handling mould-affected records. In fact, our operational processes assume that any files entering the facility have mould. We have implemented strict environmental safety protocols that exceed safety requirements for handling mould and Record Partners is insured for health coverage of staff.

    Record Partners has partnered with experienced mould experts to ensure packing, transportation, storage, and scanning are conducted in a mould-safe manner, and that all steps are taken to dramatically reduce the likelihood of mould in our facility.

    Your patient records are bagged and stored in a treated facility and staff wear full PPE to ensure safe digitisation of your records.

  • For additional peace of mind, Record Partners can maintain a secure, offline (non-cloud) digital archive of your scanned records.

    Located on onsite servers with file access logged, our system gives you redundancy should your systems face any environmental or cyber events.

Discuss your project

To discuss how Record Partners may be able to assist you in addressing your physical patient record problem, please complete this short form.